Web Design
Arts, health & social community websites

LearningViolin.comLearningViolin.com is a blog and vlog for string players, featuring musical styles from all over the world.

MultifaithEMI.orgThe Multifaith EMI To End Mass Incarceration acts to end mass incarceration through congregational engagement, narrative advancement, and public policy education.

Trotter.hks.harvard.eduThe William Monroe Trotter Collaborative for Social Justice advances the social justice and civil rights legacy of William Monroe Trotter.

ValerieCourville.comValerie Courville is a Japanese style acupuncturist and massage therapist.

Beggaki.comBeggaki.com is an interactive poetry website, dedicated to the memory of my sister.

KnowOrchestra.comKnow Orchestra's music blends the colors and nuances of chamber music with the energy and spontaneity of experimental jazz and free improv.

WeCanRowBoston.orgWeCanRow Boston is a wellness and recovery rowing program for women treated for breast cancer

carriehowder.squarespace.comCarrie Howder is an abstract expressionist and stain painter.

DavidZoffer.comDavid Zoffer is a Boston based jazz musician and educator.

KlezmerConservatory.comThe Klezmer Conservatory Band is a leading voice in the world of klezmer music and Yiddish song for close to 40 years.