Ima Jonsdottir is an Icelandic violinist, who after being tugged and twisted by life’s unexpected rides, found herself looking for alternate forms of expression to complement her new journey. Although a doodler since childhood, Ima never took her paper and pencil seriously until one day she sat down in a drawing class at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, gasped with terror, and proceeded to draw her first still life, one nervous scribble at a time. In between sharpening her pencils, she found deep joy and satisfaction in diving into code, solving its riddles, and shaping it to bring out the beauty in the marvelous chaos of its elements. It is life as she knows it.
In this space you will find thoughts and doodles on whatever is brewing in Ima’s head. She reserves the right to be boring, wrong, funny, pleasant, unpleasant, thought provoking, practical, annoying, educational, and delicious. Things that inspire and matter to her are: human rights and activists, humor, smartypants, philosophy, beauty, colors, patterns, dancing, and good music.
Enjoy the ride!